Archive | December, 2012

I’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident, What Should I Do?

20 Dec

Personal Injury LawyerAn automobile accident can be very traumatic, even if it is not a serious accident.  If injuries are involved, it can be even more confusing to know what to do.  The following simple steps can be taken to help protec t you and preserve your possible claim for damages.  Obviously, if the accident involves serious injuries, seeking immediate medical attention is the top priority.

  • Safety First – the primary concern at any accident is the personal safety of those involved.  If possible, move the vehicles to the side of the road in a safe area.  If there are injuries involved, call 9-1-1.
  • Information Second – Gather all contact information and insurance information.  Be sure to collect the following:
  1. Names of driver and other passengers
  2. Address and phone number of driver and other passengers
  3. Driver license number
  4. License plate number
  5. Insurance carrier
  6. Insurance policy numbers
  7. Year, make and model of vehicles involved
  • Do not admit fault.  It is often difficult to understand every event that happened.  Even though you think that you may be at fault, once more facts are known, fault may actually lie with someone else or some other event.   Talk honestly to police officers about the facts of what happened but do not admit fault for the accident.
  • Photographs are key.  Take pictures of everything including: the accident scene, surrounding area, vehicle damage, skid marks, injuries, and any roadway conditions.  Take more photographs than you think you need.
  • Seek medical attention once you have given statements to the police and have been cleared to leave the scene.  Even if you do not believe that you have been injured, it is advisable to seek medical attention.  The shock and adrenaline often involved during an accident may temporarily mask injuries.  Obviously, if you are seriously injured, seek medical attention first.
  • Report the accident to your insurance company.  Provide all the information you collected at the accident scene.

Whether you should retain an attorney regarding your accident is a personal decision.  However, in making this determination, you should consider the severity of the accident and any injuries involved.  If you were injured, it is advisable to contact a personal injury attorney.  Most personal injury lawyer will provide a free consultation.

If you were injured in a car accident in the Cleveland or Columbus Ohio areas, the legal team at Landskroner Greico Merriman LLC is here to help you following an automobile accidentCall Team LGM for a consultation today at 216-522-9000 or toll free at 1-866-522-9500.

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